Lets discuss some movies.... how it was.... any message it conveyed and everything else. Just say whatever you wanna say about any movie of your choice.

10/28/2008 11:00:11 pm

apart from being too loooong..it was not much specific except its name. it reached somewhere else than it aimed.

message- u dnt need any alcohol or narcotics to handle success or failure either...just have self-confidence and some belief(and u can be a show-stopper). system doesnt change u until u let it.
dnt run away from urself!!

10/28/2008 11:15:46 pm

u r a common man? ever faced the frustration of being one?

just letting things take place the way it occur and helplessly brooding over it in thoughts..confronting by the limitations we impose on ourselves..
isnt it the way we react often??
is it the way we should react??then why do we??
until we suffer ourself we dnt understand the pain of being commonly and severy treated..

its a lot more..a lot more than the words..the potential of a common man would spark and the so called civilized society wud be ashes..

lets not make our frustration and grief futile!!

10/30/2008 12:54:31 pm


The movie did portray a true picture of our society but the message it conveyed wasnt right. a common man shouldnt take law and justice in his hands. let it be confined to the ones in the judiciary.

We never know anyone amongst the frustrated ones might indulge in such activities and teach the government the much needed lesson in an unauthorized way.

10/30/2008 04:37:43 pm

A Beautiful Mind:

The movie came with a tag line 'the only thing greater than the power of the mind is the courage of the heart.
It’s a story of a great mathematician John Forbes Nash who once suffered from Schizophrenia (abnormalities in the perception) ended up winning a Nobel Prize in economics. It’s a story about his journey of courage, passion and triumph. He saw the world in a way no one could have imagined.

The movie comes with wonderful intelligent dialogues - “It is only in the mysterious equation of love that any logical reasons can be found.”, “Classes will dull you! Destroys the potential for authentic creativity!!”, “It is more important to have a beautiful heart than a beautiful mind”, and many more.

To do something extra ordinary…. One needs to believe that something extra ordinary is possible. That’s what the movie teaches us.

It’s a movie worth watching... It’s a movie worth keeping near to your heart...!!

11/5/2008 08:35:20 pm

Movie is called 'ACCEPTED':

Come to the time when v all had given PET AIEEE IIT etc n was in delima that whether v vl b selected or not...its good that v all selected and come to this colg...

But wht abt those ppl who r not that smart who cnt do good in academics...shd they b called 'NOT ACCEPTED'......wht if they r good in some other field like music, painting etc.....but y v have to perform well in acdemics if v r not meant for it....

this movie is all abt these ppl how r 'ACCEPTED' by their talent......if u want to watch a youth movie with fun comedy entertainment n one lesson..then u shd watch this movie...

11/6/2008 02:14:59 pm

Film-The Pursuit of Happyness
"The great surprise of the picture is that it's not corny . . . The beauty of the film is its honesty. In its outlines, it's nothing like the usual success story depicted onscreen, in which, after a reasonable interval of disappointment, success arrives wrapped in a ribbon and a bow. Instead, this success story follows the pattern most common in life - it chronicles a series of soul-sickening failures and defeats, missed opportunities, sure things that didn't quite happen, all of which are accompanied by a concomitant accretion of barely perceptible victories that gradually amount to something. In other words, it all feels real."

shivam gupta
11/8/2008 03:54:29 pm

i really liked janne tu ya janne na

Mithun Alinkil
11/14/2008 03:28:20 am

Story of a man who is struggling in life to live up his tax expenses and other things. His wife now leaves him with his son.He never gives up. He could even inspire some people.
This film is based on a true story by the life of Chris Garner who struggles with his life and is now a multi-millionaire.
This is a good, uplifting film. Great acting and has a great message. Its also a good family film and has it's father-son moments.

Mithun Alinkil
11/15/2008 03:12:59 pm

The above story is about the film 'PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS'

12/27/2008 01:43:06 pm


sorry guys, u wont get any Miss kalpana who is a blend of charming beauty, innocence n helping nature...n sorry gals..u wont get that much patient n mad LOvER..

mmmhh!! awesome body Mr ACE n that JAANLEWA anGeR....!!

aamir tried this time what he had not ever...body n a break dance.

GYMkhana are going to be overcrowded for few months now...and may be charges wud be increased !!!

12/27/2008 01:50:29 pm


really a good movie...VINAY PATHAK is doing gr8 as a typical middle class man in India.

...a man/woman just crawls between two kind of life n does none-
a. the way he/she SHOULD live.
b. the way he/she WANT to live.

.....watch out DASVIDANIYAN n decide a way to live !!

1/5/2009 03:24:34 am

A memory inside a memory. Memento is a complicated head spinning adventure.The film goes back in time to reveal each little bit of the puzzle as he tries to find out the person who killed his wife and makes us feel just as confused as he is.
story about a man eho is unable to remember anything that happens day-to-day due to a condition he sustained, short term memory loss, he has to write himself note after note that still don't mean anything after he falls asleep.

1/6/2009 09:56:16 pm

one will still remember the shot when

1/6/2009 09:56:54 pm

a must watch....

ankit navlakkha
1/18/2009 02:59:46 pm

it was a disappointment
wen aamir khan is on screen he is highly expected to make the every part look real and practical
and this was undigestable of aamir khan punching his enemies and making dem unconcious wid a single punch
another masala movie...
cmon aamir it doesnt suits u...

ankit navlakkha
1/18/2009 03:04:20 pm

slumdog millionare
great movie
d movie contains many aspects of slum reality
and is nicely picturised
"a complete movie"

1/27/2009 07:32:09 pm

for me...

Anis Malak
2/5/2009 03:07:49 pm


nothing to say abt these movies......
i can simply say.."Do watch them"...

xcellent movies....

2/10/2009 02:10:50 pm

Slumdog millionaire !
the movie has garnered many emeralds and is still in hunt of many ,including the Oscars.This movie is story of an Indian child who fosters in slums and reaches to the game show, who will be the millionaire? and wins 2 million rupees.The story moves around this child who is interrogated by police after being a suspect of fraud. The child than explains the story behind his each ans.
The movie though based on India(Mumbai),is directed by Danie Boyle,a British. The movie reveals or u can say projects on the poverty in India, and seems to exaggerate truth of slums.Therefore,it is put to question in India. However, it is worth noticing that A.R Rahman the genius music director has been awarded by BAFTA and Academy awards. This again draws the so called international awards into question coz Rahman is producing great music(even than that of slumdog)for years in India but they have failed to recognize it ,but he gives an average music score for a British movie and he regard as great then after.
Any ways the movie is worth watching!

jay maheshwari
3/20/2009 05:25:35 am

well " a beautiful mind"

the movie is about
john nash this man once challanged einstien about some concept's of gravity
besides this there are so many facts about this genious in d movie,,......

mayank dwivedi
3/24/2009 03:21:17 am

a must watch movie ;a story based on student politics and extremists of rajasthan. the lyrics are sublime and immaculate courtesy piyush mishra who has also acted wonderfully in the movie playing an aberrant singer.acting is estatic and direction flawless!

3/24/2009 06:09:15 pm


i really like this type of movies which gives some msg to society....many of us think d movie was boring but d whole concept behind was good.... watching it is not a 'waste of time'..

3/28/2009 06:51:44 pm


a very fantastic movie by producer,director,actor GURUDUTTA..

u wont find any style over here...but the class of words woven for the context..
the famous song.. ''jaane wo kaise log thee jinke pyaar ko pyaar mila..''is not the only song that capture the ears...there are more...
at the nd of the movie, ur guesses for the climax might get wrong...
..dnt just enjoy, learn from the climax..

(warning- only masala movie lovers,avoid it...it can be suicidal)


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    ... its what they tried for us to reach. its kinda rendezvous for MOVIES & BOOKS that inspired or might do so.
    Just an unprejudiced view, message and purpose in absolute.

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