Books now... Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill. Readers are plentiful, but thinkers are rare. so let us know... if u r just a reader... or a thinker !!
Comment on any book... anyone near to ur heart or so....!!

10/30/2008 06:25:55 pm

An Alchemist:

Have you ever felt the omens around you... have you ever felt an invisible power which puts you into or brings you out of strange situations... have u ever dared to follow your dreams... have you ever wondered about the soul of the world...!!
This book deals with all these. It's a story of self-discovery, of being open to possibilities and rather than fall into the safe boundaries created by yourself.

‘The boy’s name was Santiago’... with this begins an amazing fable about finding your treasure, and about following your heart. Every search begins with beginners luck and ends with the victor being severely tested. In his way of following his heart, ‘the boy’ sees the greatness of the world and discovers a new meaning to life.

This book contains lines and discussions that leave an impact on one’s heart. No matter whatever the beliefs one may carry, everyone has something inspiring for them in it.

“My Heart Is Afraid that it will have to suffer", the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky. ”Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams."

“When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.”

“The boy and his heart had become friends, and neither was capable now of betraying the other.”

“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

"Treasure lies where your heart belongs."

Anis Malak
11/5/2008 08:58:56 pm

'Digital Fortress':

I m a big fan of Dan Brown and have read many of its books. 'The Da Vinci Code' was one of his fine works..but the book of his i like the most is 'Digital Fortress'.

As v r 4m engineering background this book becmes more interesting n worth to read.

This book is abt a secret agency of USA which decodes the secret messages which r transmitted by terrorist in ENCRYPTED form....and this agency id xpert in this work as there country's security depends on this only...

Now there is a psycho who is a genius n was a part of that agency but do to some reasons that agency fired him.

This man then creates a Encryption Code(called Digital Fortress) which cannot b Decrypted by any person or agency in this World...and wht this person does is that he encrypted this code's solution using this code only..n then this person dies giving juz one clue to the agency....

How this agency come to knw abt the solution...wht shocking incidences thats place in thid PLEASURE to read...

11/12/2008 02:53:31 am


i guess not many of us are fond of reading books, but for all those who hav read other books by the same author, i suggest you read this book too.
It stars Robert Langdon as the central character who is called upon to investigate a brutal murder of a genious CERN physicist. The murder is claimed by a secrec organization called 'The Illuminati' which also threatens to blow up the Vatican City and kill the new Pope within next 24 hours by using their secret weapon stolen from the labs of CERN. The location of this weapon can't be detected by any possible method except for the mysterious symbols left by the organization itself. Langdon has just 24 hous to save the Vatican....

11/26/2008 11:57:53 pm

Lord of the Rings

the grand daddy of fantasy books.
1008 pages of shear genius. many of you might have watched the movies. i dunno whether i'm supposed to tell the story here because it'll take me forever to complete.
i just suggest that every person should read this once.

12/19/2008 07:31:37 pm

i tried reading dat one ages ago....and it happens to be the first book dat i left reading in between....i preferred d movies.

12/19/2008 07:46:20 pm


for all those ppl who have read HARRY POTTER and still want somthing more of that sort...

Percy Jackson is a 12 year old guy who gets into trouble everytime wid his teachers and schoolmates very often. Raised by a single mother, he doesn't who his father is as his mother always avoids talking of him, until one day he finds out dat he happens to be a demi-god(children of gods and normal human beings)and his father happens to none other than a god himself, and dat too one of the most powerful gods in the greek mythology. With his two best friends, Annabeth (who is a demi godess herself) and Grover, Percy goes on many adventures. Features many gods in their modern day Ares(d god of war)riding a Harley Davidson, Apollo( d sun god)riding a car and wearing an i-pod and making up pretty bad poetic verses...Poisedon (god of the sea) wearing Hawaiian shirt and bermuda shorts...Hermes(god of messengers) carrying a cell phone and a laptop etc.

Somewhat like Harry Potter, but still different in a way...

Amit Kher
1/4/2009 05:38:55 pm

J K Rowling

The Harry Potter writer has got skills of story telling. I must say that she has got a great imagination. For all fantasy & fiction lovers it is a must read books.

A suggestion for all Harry Potter Movie

ankit navlakkha
1/18/2009 08:34:29 pm

"the monk who sold his ferrari"
a highly encouraging novel by robin sharma
a book dat ll fill u wid all d enthusiasm u need to survive the boredom,monocity and hecticness of life
and for those who couldnt make it till the end of the book, i highly suggest them to read it again
may be it ll serve fruitful

Anis Malak
2/5/2009 03:04:02 pm

"chicken soup-series"

this is series of books based on real incidents happened with different ppl around the world........there little stories not only juz touches ur heart but also teahes u a gud lesson to lead a smooth life....

2/20/2009 08:10:58 pm



3/24/2009 06:32:21 pm

Not a penny more, Not a penny less:

Its a story of four wealthy men – a doctor, an earl, a professor, and an art dealer - from different business and career background who find themselves financially broke, manipulated by a professional embezzler, a stock swindler, Harvey Metcalfe.

The four men unite and join forces to recover their fortunes from Metcalfe.

Storytelling of Jeffrey Archer is amazing. situations unfold themselves in style. The story contains humor, romance and interesting twists... which makes it worth reading...!!


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    ... its what they tried for us to reach. its kinda rendezvous for MOVIES & BOOKS that inspired or might do so.
    Just an unprejudiced view, message and purpose in absolute.

    Lets disscuss !!

    If anything u feel worth a discussion, tell us(through mail or anyway), we will begin the topic !!

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