A fresh new year has arrived.... so has arrived d series of taking new year resolutions.... post your resolutions here.... so that others can check you.... n thus it might help you in resolving your resolutions...!!

1/2/2009 12:24:27 am

I always take resolutions on new year day... however... by 10th of jan, i forget them all...!!

This year i dont want that to happen... so with a hope to keep myself reminded of my resolutions i'm posting them here...

1. I'm a vegetarian for this whole year atleast.
2. I'll bear those unbearable irritating people around... no more anger for them... just smiles !!
n last...
3. I'll try finding a gf for me...!!

1/2/2009 12:47:43 am

Each time i do of my own..i forget - this world is not made for me alone..and the result bring some bitter taste all around.

"i will make this world a better place to live in...for me and for all...with a smile !!"

lets help it !!

Prasoon Jkakhetia
1/2/2009 01:56:28 am

Actually i don't wanna take any resolution, just take a promise to myself that in this year i'll concentrate on my career as a low level langauage programer. so i'll try my best and i'll work hard for it.
The second most important thing, as i m going to become an engg... SO i'm going to make a girl happier for a time we can be...
Third no fake promises to my friends and elders...
and lastly sorry jony and ankit bhai !!

1/2/2009 02:19:22 pm

u guys actually sound serious...hehehe

neways, i'm still following my last to last year's resolution....that i'm never gonna take up a new year resolution again

1/2/2009 10:43:43 pm


i nvr take resolutions...bcoz i can nvr follow things by making resolutions or by writing it down on papers....but ya i do right things on right places......thats wht i believe in.......

but if i wud want to resolute something then it vl b that i shd control my shot temperness////

Aatish Jain
1/4/2009 03:45:40 am

Resolution..... now from this year onwards, i'll decide my priorities... follow them n... i'll not let those old conditions hinder again...!!

I'll not change according to the thinkings of people... if they think something is wrong in me... let it b... i dont wanna b perfect !!

Vishaldutt parsai
1/4/2009 03:57:08 am

No more Drinkssss this year.......
No more expectations from ppl around.....
Priorities are not yet decided.... but will stick to them once set.

1/4/2009 03:09:32 pm

from dis year i have decided dat i'll never expect nething 4m ne1,n as far as others r concerned,i'll never hurt dem n will try to fulfil their expectations
(specially my parents)
dats it..............

1/4/2009 03:14:45 pm

4 dis year my resolution will bedat
i'll not going to react on people's comment which hurts me nd coz of dem i'll not hurt my self nd my near n dear ones

1/4/2009 04:40:44 pm

...and i will loose some weight for sure !!!

1/6/2009 09:18:11 pm

In this year..
1st priorities is to get placed in a company.
2nd is to hav more fun n njoyment than last year...
and lastly n most important is 2 find gf for me...

1/6/2009 09:50:16 pm

1.i wil enjoy dis year,, once again..
my new year resolution!!!!
2.will try maintain a safer distance frm people arnd..it wil b bettr 4 dem as wel as 4 me!!!
bas do kafi hai

Betsy John
1/7/2009 04:43:49 pm

1.i ll try n be a lil more serious in my approach towards everything rather than thilwaying around.
2.ll have a better hold n develop programming skills..
3. improving d technical competence in my domain..

hoping for d best :)

ankit navlakkha
1/18/2009 02:19:31 pm

here it is
i ll b bearing and tolerating d people not supposed to b tolerable or bearable
and ll try to uphold a pseudo-friendly relation wid virtual friends
ll be suppressing my emotional innerself and ll uphold a proffesional counterpart
thats it....??
more ll come with some more situations to teach me
m waiting 4 dem...

1/27/2009 07:29:59 pm

freedom is not worth if u dont have the freedom to make mistakes.........
so i will continue doing tat.......

2/10/2009 01:44:38 pm

well i m quite late to make resolution now. i thwt a lot about wht shud be the right resolution for me ?. i read famous sayings ,proverbs,slogans from many gr8 people, but i than again wondered which one of these shud i accept.the problem of choice still remained intact . so MY RESOLUTION IS THAT I WILL CHOOSE A RESOLUTE RESOLUTION FOR NEXT YEAR IN THE CURRENT YEAR!!! so that i can implement it next year!!

jay maheshwari
3/20/2009 05:32:05 am

atlast i give up sochte sochte thak gya........ye resolution vesolution is out of my way.......
i will follow 1thng that is cheat 2 win best thing ....
i am following this from last 3yrs....it WORKS


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